ASHP Offers New Certification for High-Level Pharmacies: ASHP Certified Center of Excellence™ in Medication-Use Safety and Pharmacy Practice
Demonstrate Quality, Celebrate Excellence.

Differentiate your hospital or health-system and formally recognize your high-performing pharmacy department for excellence in medication-use safety and pharmacy practice by applying to become an ASHP Certified Center of Excellence™.
The recognition of excellence in medication-use safety and pharmacy practice not only allows organizations to differentiate themselves, but also enhances the credibility and value of pharmacy services to physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers, healthcare leaders/administrators, policy makers, patients and the general public.
ASHP is uniquely positioned to offer this exciting new hospital and health-system pharmacy center of excellence certification program based on our 60+ years of pharmacy accreditation and extensive reputation as a leader in the development of best practices, industry standards, and practice advancement.
Pharmacies thath achieve this ASHP certification demonstrate the highest levels of pharmacy practice, medication safety, and pharmacy patient care services and demonstrate the following:
- Best practice for hospital and health-system pharmacy practice
- Continuous high quality of care leading to improved patient outcomes
- External validation of pharmacy services for patients and the community
- Increased confidence in internal pharmacy services
- Improved efficiencies and decreased variation in processes
- Improved risk management
Pharmacy departments who achieve the standard and are awarded certification will receive the Certificate of Excellence, signed by the ASHP Chief Executive Officer and will be included on the ASHP website list of Certified Centers of Excellence.
Learn more about the certification, the standard, and the application process at